
Connectivity Maps

This cortico-cortical map provides an overview of projection patterns for each cortical injection case available in iConnectome. Data were manually reconstructed from raw images--axons appear as shaded regions and retrogradely labeled cells appear as colored dots. A large dot indicates injection site.



This map contains reconstructions of cortico-striatal projections generated with threshold-based reconstruction algorithm that segments axons labeled by anterograde tracers from tissue background. Only terminal fields within the caudoputamen are depicted. Raw tracer data for all mapped cases are available on iConnectome.



This dynamic map provides a list of all cortical areas that primarily project to each of the domains within the rostral, intermediate, and caudal CP (or dorsal striatum). The data is based on the quantification of 62 tracer-labeled cortico-striatal pathways.



This map features pathway reconstructions of brain-wide tracer-labeled input and output connections of all basolateral amygdala (BLA) nuclei.



This map features a multi-channel map of the mouse lumbar spine.



Cortico-Striatofugal map

This map features reconstructions of tracer labeled axons from the striatum to the globus pallidus external and substantia nigra pars reticulata.


Cortico-Brainstem map

A comprehensive map featuring all projection pathways originating from the cortex to the brain stem. Raw images for the cases can be found in iConnectome.



Wiring Diagrams

A wiring diagram depicting the brain-wide connections of BLA nuclei.



Wiring diagram of all inputs and outputs of molecularly-defined hippocampal regions.



Unweighted wiring map of all inputs and outputs of SC zones and layers. Assembled using data from anterograde and retrograde injections placed in SC to systematically trace inputs/outputs distributed from cortex down through the thalamus, hypothalamus, brainstem, hindbrain and cerebellar structures. Color-code associations: red (SC.m), orange (, green (, purple (SC.l).

