To use artificial intelligence for the integration of microcircuits, genetics and imaging through connectomics leading to a fundamental understanding of the architecture and function of the central nervous system.

Identifying classes of neural cell types will pave the way for researchers to selectively manipulate circuits and develop cell-type specific therapeutics for neurological diseases. Our mission to accurately classify cell types requires an understanding of multiple neuronal properties including neuromorphology, connectivity, and gene expression. Our multimodal approach will enable the creation of the first-ever cell-type map of the mouse brain.

Our research is supported by NIH/NIMH RF1MH114112; NIH/NIMH U01MH114829; NIH/NIMH U19MH114821; NIH/NIMH U19MH114831; NIH/NIA U01AG076804-01.


3D reconstruction images and 2D images of mouse brains scanned with multi photon and confocal microscopies. Resolutions scales into macro, meso and micro scale connectome.


The Mouse Connectome Project (MCP) seeks to develop a multimodal multiscale connectome and cell-type map of the mammalian brain using advanced tracing, imaging, and computational methods. MCP seeks to develop a multimodal multiscale connectome and cell-type map of the mammalian brain using advanced tracing, imaging, and computational methods.

iConnectome Viewer


Neural tracer injection cases are updated continuosly and will eventually cover the entire brain. Serial sections of each case are available to view at 10x magnification in the interactive iConnectome viewer.



Connectivity maps, which contain graphic reconstructions of labeling produced by tracer injections atop a standard mouse brain atlas. These maps provide a fast and easy way to view and compare projection patterns across injections.



The Allen Reference Atlas is a digital, high-resolution anatomic reference atlas of the C57Black/6J male mouse, created by Hong-Wei Dong at the Allen Instititue for Brain Science.


Our crossdisciplinary group develops neuroanatomic and neuroinformatic approaches to understand connectivity patterns in both health and disease.

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Cell’s Best of 2014

Neural networks of the mouse neocortex. (Zingg et al., 2014) was selected as Cell’s Best of 2014 and was one of only two 2014 landmark papers to be recognized on the 40 years of Cell timeline.


A timeline of our latest preprints and journal archives of our research and featured studies.

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UCLA BRAIN is eager for cross disciplinary collaboration with other laboratories at UCLA to advance the study of connectomics. We are happy to have found a new home featuring rich diversity across the renowned research groups on campus. It is an exciting environment for us to collaborate with our future collaborators.